21 Feb 2011

What is Dave saying to the Egyptians?

Just a thought : when David Cameron talks to the Egyptians is he suggesting they stop helping Israel’s blockade of Gaza?

David Cameron shakes hands with Egypt's Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik in Cairo
David Cameron shakes hands with Egypt's Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik in Cairo

Just a thought : when David Cameron talks to the Egyptians is he suggesting they stop helping Israel’s blockade of Gaza?

Last year when the PM went to Turkey he came out with a surprisingly blunt line: “The situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions,” he said. “Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.”

Later Cameron went on to say: “The fact is we have long supported lifting the blockade of Gaza, we have long supported proper humanitarian access. Even though some progress has been made we are still in the situation where it is very difficult to get in, it is very difficult to get out. So I think the description is warranted.”

Is this, I wonder, what he is saying to the Egyptian military and political leadership?

And if they are more amenable to the idea than Hosni Mubarak (who feared Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood would gain the kind of popularity in his country that Hamas had in Gaza) is Mr Cameron going to welcome the opening of the border if it happens?